The Highest Standard in Clinical Chaplaincy

and Clinical Pastoral Training

CPSP is the only established chapter-based pastoral care organization that provides ongoing peer review and support to chaplains throughout their careers. CPSP is the only fully integrated chaplaincy community, with membership including those in CPE training, board-certified chaplains, pastoral supervisors, and pastoral psychotherapists.

Our Organization

CPSP has been around for more than a quarter of a century. It started out as a reform movement with the aim of raising the bar on what chaplaincy and training chaplains is all about.

Work with Us

We Are Here to Support Your Evolution

Become a Member

CPSP is the only established chapter-based pastoral care organization that provides on going peer review and support to chaplains throughout their career.

Become Educated

Chapter Life is essential to one's participation in the CPSP community. In fact, no one can secure and maintain CPSP credentials without an active and committed involvement in chapter life.

Benefits of Accreditation

Accreditation of training programs is the primary purpose of CPSP (Standards, §100; Accreditation, §100).

Become Certified

CPSP formed as a community of practice, that is, a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do, and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.

Office: 432 W 47th St Ste 2 W NY, NY 10036

Call +1-212-246-6410


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